Make This Fascinating Discovery About Yourself

When I traveled into the sacred mountains of China to learn from The Masters of Traditional Chinese Medicine, I made an unexpected discovery.

These grumpy old men were not anxious to share their wisdom.

To say I wasn’t welcomed with open arms is a dramatic understatement.

They had little or no interest in me — especially my background as a medical doctor and a surgeon.

I was insulted by them.

Not only that…

They abandoned me when I needed them most, and in the process, they made me question myself. 

For example:

  • Why was I really there?
  • What exactly did I hope to learn and how would I use this knowledge?
  • What degree of sacrifice was I willing to make?

Can you relate?

Now… To be clear, The Masters did not ask me these questions directly. It was the way they treated me that made these questions inevitable.

They knew I would question myself, and they understood, from their five thousand years of wisdom, that one of two things would happen.

Which two things? Let me lay it out for you.

(Keep reading)

The Two Approaches We Can Take

In this world, you can take one of two approaches.

You can believe you were sent here because of some punishment bound to experience an endless string of dismal days.


You can believe you were sent here to be fulfilled… no matter your interests.

What I mean is… You can enjoy water skiing, you can enjoy roller skating, or you can enjoy other people. 

This enjoyment of other people is a feeling that can easily expand into an enriching new experience. You realize more people than you can imagine are your teammates — They’re on your side.

Even strangers… You don’t have a relationship with them, and yet they can easily be your teammates.


There is a very real connection created by The Source Energy >>

When you open your sensors to connect with The Energy, the 256 different vibrations have the ability to pull people together.

And let’s face it… Some people are easier to get along with than others. And the real world we go out into every day is a place where it often seems easier to be irritated with people than to get along with them.

One of the reasons these irritations get in the way is that there’s some kind of a distraction.

You get diverted or deflected. When you find yourself deflected, all of a sudden something happens, and you become irritated or upset.

You and Your Goals

You can have wonderful goals, good intentions, and then all of a sudden something sneaks, gets in the way, or somehow derails you. 

This is when it’s helpful to remember what I’m about to share with you.

It all boils down to this…

All things you’re involved with in life… They are for you.

I’m serious.

This doesn’t mean you’re selfish, egotistical, and self-absorbed.

It means you need to push aside the diversions, deflections, and derailments so you can get back to your goals… So you can take control over the things you have the ability to control.

Ask yourself, “What’s the thing I want to accomplish with this person?”

It might seem like a stretch to think that this person who’s giving you a hard time is a teammate.

Think about this…

What can you learn about yourself to make the adjustment needed to redesign and redefine this relationship?

What will you see, feel, and hear when you connect to The Source Energy that lets you easily get rid of the barriers so you can accomplish what you want?

You know what?

There’s a way to do this without caving in, and without making an uncomfortable compromise.

The answers will be there. When you’re in The Source Energy, you’re in a continuous flow state where…

  • You’re in the zone.
  • You can put the ball in the basket every time.
  • You can hit the tennis ball every time.
  • You can be relaxed.
  • You can attract the right people into your life at the exact right time.
  • You can cultivate the influence you need when you need it most.
  • You know all the answers when you take an exam.
  • You can come up with great ideas and invent wonderful business concepts.
  • You can enjoy a great family, great health, and great relationships.

By now I’m sure you’re asking yourself… 

“How Can I Make This Happen for Me?”

It all boils down to this…

You’re the one who will guide events forward in a positive and productive way.

Listen carefully… It’s up to you, not somebody else.

You’re the one to say…

“I can win here with The Source Energy, I’ve got a team of people to work with, and we’re going to make this happen.”

And let me be clear — This team of people doesn’t have to be employees or associates at work. You don’t even need to have a job.

Your teammates can be anyone. They don’t even need to be in the same town.

As you’re here now, and reading, has this question crossed your mind?

“Can I Put an End to Lost Time and Lost Opportunities?”

I’ll put it this way…

Chances are you’ll discover that when irritation comes on, it arrives quickly.

Irritation explodes so fast, and it’s difficult to recognize — let alone control.

Before I share with you the 2 words that can help you melt all the irritation away, you need to know this irritation is a thief of time. The moments you spend feeling irritated are wasted moments.

At the exact same moment you’re arguing, somebody else is inventing what you’d like to invent.


Somebody is scheming to seize control of your company.


Take away your girlfriend, boyfriend, or spouse.

Or in some way cause you avoidable harm.

This dynamic takes place every minute.

It’s why you’ll be a lot better off when you have an easy and reliable way to get rid of irritation. To nip it in the bud before it turns into a crippling problem.

Irritation is the resentment, regret, and resignation that piles onto you.

Here’s the good news.

There are two words you can use to melt all the irritation away. The words are, “Learn me.”

You react to irritation by asking yourself, “What else is here for me to learn?”

Abbreviate this and just repeat two words…

“Learn me, learn me, learn me. Right now, I know I’m upset, so what exists here for me to learn?”

Something Remarkable You Can Learn Right Now

This skill is one of many that my students use to replace fear with courage, uncertainty with confidence, and loneliness with an abundance of rewarding relationships.

These things happen when you connect to The Source Energy.

All it takes is an open mind and some curiosity.

A great way to start is with The Dragon Eternal Success High Performance Program >>

Take a look at it.

Please take a moment right now to find out about easy ways you can quickly connect to The Source Energy.

What do you need to modify?

What’s the best way to identify the right changes to make, and then make them?

Ask these questions, answer them, take regular action toward achieving your goals, and you’ll enjoy success.

By the way… 

Can you relate to feeling like you question yourself? Or perhaps they should have been there to support you, and they weren’t?

How did you handle it? Are you going through something similar now and need a sounding board? Our comment section is open for you.

Click Here to join the conversation >>

In case you missed it… 

On a day not too long ago, I spent a few minutes talking with a boy who was the son of one of my patients.

He was in first grade, and he asked if he could talk with me because there was something on his mind.

What he told me was shocking [Click Here] >>


I began my search for The Source Energy in the Southwest of the United States and then into the jungles of Central and South America.

However, the total direct effect of what I wanted to accomplish really wasn’t in those places. So, I had to keep going… [Click Here >>]

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