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Guided Visualization
for Instant Healing Energy

Guided Visualization
for Instant Healing Energy

Ready to experience instant healing Energy with this guided breathing visualization?

PLUS... You also get a complimentary 5-Step Template written by the only western Source Energy grand-master Dr. Barry Morguelan (founder of Energy for Success).

This ancient Chinese healing technology takes under 10-minutes, and the effects could stay with you for the rest of the day.

Where would you like us to send access to your Free Guided Visualization and 5-Step Template?


Looking for more? Check out this month's special below!

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"What's Inside?"

14 of our most powerful + simple to learn practices that will nurture your mind, body, and spirit. Listen to one guided visualization in the morning, and another at night for the 7-days.

Day 1 – Health
Energize Your Body
Restful Sleep

Day 2 – Relationships
Connect to Win-Win People
Recognizing Win-Win Relationships

Day 3
Starting Your Day in the Zone
Building Your Success Platform

Day 4 – Performance
Starting Your Day In Expanding Momentum
Making Expansion Your Habitual State of Mind

Day 5 – Mastery
Achieving Massive Success Every Day
Recognizing Infinite Possibilities to Success

Day 6 – Health
Achieving Optimal Circulatory Health
Healing Your Body and Mind During Sleep

Day 7 – Mastering 360 Vibrations
Expansion into all Areas of Success

Bonus Breathing Visualizations
10 Minutes to the Energy
Seeing Reality

Start Now


Now $195

This 7-Day Guided Breathing Retreat contains 14 of our most powerful + simple to learn practices that will nurture your mind, body, and spirit!