It's Time To Celebrate!
You said “Yes!” to yourself… and now your breathing visualization and 5-step template is on the way to your inbox.
That means you are moments away from saying “Yes!” to the instant healing energy used by the ancient Chinese healing masters.
It takes under 10-minutes, and the effects could last you for the rest of the day.
Listen up — We both know how technology can be, so keep reading…
Your delivery email might end up somewhere other than your inbox.
To make it easier, the subject line is: [INSIDE] Your Instant healing energy visualization and 5-Step Template
If you look and are having trouble locating it please contact your success advocate directly at
You see, guided breathing visualizations are the fastest and most effective way to revitalize your life and empower yourself… AND… Since you’re here now, and we have a moment, I want to ask you to think about this…

Immersive Awakening
Guided breathing visualizations are the fastest and most effective way to revitalize your life and empower your goals.
Give yourself the gift of 14 guided breathing visualizations over the next 7 days to nurture your body, mind, and spirit.
Whether you want to amp up your performance, connect more deeply to your loved ones, or improve your health and vitality, you will have instant access to vibrations that support every one of your goals.
"What's Inside?"
14 of our most powerful + simple to learn practices that will nurture your mind, body, and spirit. Listen to one guided visualization in the morning, and another at night for the 7-days.
Day 1 – Health
Energize Your Body
Restful Sleep
Day 2 – Relationships
Connect to Win-Win People
Recognizing Win-Win Relationships
Day 3
Starting Your Day in the Zone
Building Your Success Platform
Day 4 – Performance
Starting Your Day In Expanding Momentum
Making Expansion Your Habitual State of Mind
Day 5 – Mastery
Achieving Massive Success Every Day
Recognizing Infinite Possibilities to Success
Day 6 – Health
Achieving Optimal Circulatory Health
Healing Your Body and Mind During Sleep
Day 7 – Mastering 360 Vibrations
Expansion into all Areas of Success
Bonus Breathing Visualizations
10 Minutes to the Energy
Seeing Reality

Start Now
Now $195
This 7-Day Guided Breathing Retreat contains 14 of our most powerful + simple to learn practices that will nurture your mind, body, and spirit!