Your Introduction to Dr. B

Part 1: Dr. Morguelan’s Story Begins

I am happy you are here now, and you’re reading this because you journey into the Energy for a Successful Life program starts with something unique. It isn’t part of your average everyday actions. And yet… it could be.

These actions happen in the background of your life. You might find you get busy with life. In the background, there are these thoughts about certain things, and you wonder if you’re ever going to get to focus on them.

Sometimes, you might decide these things “can’t be as important as what I’m doing now.” However, they hang on to you —they sustain as being something you’re interested in, they call to you.

(Keep reading)

With This Energy, you can start to wake up this interest and develop an increased ability to focus on these things that talk to you and say, “You know, you might want to do this. This might be appropriate for you. This might be something interesting for you in addition to what you’re doing now.”

I Knew Something Needed to Change

This is what happened to me over 25 years ago while I was walking down the aisles of the hospital at UCLA. I’m an internist and a gastroenterologist, and I have two medical offices in Los Angeles. I was fascinated by the new technology in those days, and still am, because the benefits for patients are so wonderful.

I was walking down the hospital aisle really happy that the patients were getting better. You have to understand, the hospital has a lot of people complaining, with needs, worries and concerns. There are not a lot of happy people in hospitals. Some people get a little bit better. Some people get a lot better. Some people have to go into long-term care.

Although my patients were doing well and I was discharging them, in the back of my mind, I was wondering, and having these thoughts…

“What would it be like if people didn’t have to go through this whole thing? What if they didn’t have to go to the hospital? What if they didn’t have to go through these illnesses?

“What if people could actually stay vital their whole lives and actually ward off illnesses? Actually, become more able and stronger every day and more capable so that illnesses and hospitals weren’t a part of what they had to deal with?

“What if people could actually start being stronger and healthier, more able to take on more and more in their lives?”

When I went to the hospital, I would always say, “You may have to take a break because you have to heal here.”

In the back of my mind I was thinking:

    • What if you didn’t have to go through a healing period?
    • What if you’re always healing in advance?
    • What if you’re already preparing, like an Olympian?
    • What if you’re always preparing for life like you’re in the life Olympics?
    • What if you’re always getting stronger and more able to perform optimally in all that you’re doing?”

This just kept crossing my mind and it wouldn’t leave me alone.

I Recognized a Change of Direction in my Life

It was that day in the hospital where I recognized, “This is really where I want to devote my life.”

In that moment I realized that there is some chance for humanity to actually go in a different direction, the direction of getting stronger all the time.

I didn’t tell anybody about it.

Who was there to tell? All the Western doctors were totally uninterested. They were all fine with the surgery schedule and who gets cut and sewn and who gets drugged. They were worried about all the different hospital protocols, as was appropriate at that stage of medical development.

I decided that in addition to showing up every day for the patients in the hospital, and taking care of everybody with Western medicine, I was still going to go on this quest and look for something that would be an adjunct to medicine, something that would allow me to really help people in advance of ever getting sick.

I Began my Search

I looked all over California. There were some interesting modalities then, but you have to remember, this was 25 years ago. Integrative or alternative medicine practices had not yet been developed.

I searched throughout the Southwest. It was a wonderful quest. However, I could not bring peace pipes or sweat lodges back to UCLA.

Then I went to Central America on treks throughout the jungle. Each place was really fascinating but there was no confirmation out there. There was nobody saying, “The thing you’re looking for really exists. We think we have that.”

I was driven by my idea, however, I always had to feather the conversation in with doctors. I went to small communities in Central America with their local doctor, their barefoot doctor or their shaman to see what they were doing. There were a lot of practices that were great but, they were not things that I could bring back or that took the place of penicillin.

There were some places in Central America where they burned herbs in a big pile and everybody would inhale them. We can’t have bonfires inside our hospital buildings because there are smoke detectors. We couldn’t use those herbs and burn them in people’s rooms. Nor was there any proof that they would change anybody’s lifestyle either from an illness or actually allow people to become stronger and live a more successful life, as I had envisioned. Remember, that was my real goal.

My Search Continued

Central America was fascinating. South America was wonderful. Everybody should go there to see the natural wonders of these regions. However, the total direct effect of what I wanted to accomplish really wasn’t there.

I had to keep going. 

In case you missed it… 

I began my search for The Source Energy in the Southwest of the United States and then into the jungles of Central and South America.

However, the total direct effect of what I wanted to accomplish really wasn’t in those places. So, I had to keep going… [Click Here >>]


Have you ever asked yourself, “Why does this always happen to me?”

Maybe your inner dialog sounds something like…

    • “This isn’t fair.”
    • “I’ve tried this, and I’ve really, really done everything I could.”
    • “This person is stopping me, and they shouldn’t be there.”
    • “This is bad, bad, bad, and I just am so angry because I feel like I can’t do anything about it.”

Can you relate? The next time it happens, I want you to do this… 
[Click Here >>]

Stop What You’re Doing Right Now

Have you ever asked yourself, “Why does this always happen to me?”

Maybe your inner dialog sounds something like…

    • “This isn’t fair.” 
    • “I’ve tried this, and I’ve really, really done everything I could.” 
    • “This person is stopping me, and they shouldn’t be there.” 
    • “This is bad, bad, bad, and I just am so angry because I feel like I can’t do anything about it.”

Can you relate?

The next time it happens, I want you to do this… call a time out.

Stop what you’re doing immediately.


Because you’ve been hacked.

WARNING: Your Thinking Has Been Corrupted

You’ve been invaded by The Matrix. The quality of your thinking has been poisoned.

Your brain has been compromised.

The Matrix is what I call this collection of thoughts which limit what you can do and distort clear thinking.

The Matrix shuts you off from the world, from other people, and from yourself.

(Keep reading)

It makes you closed, fearful, and self-defensive. We both know your approach to getting everything you want from life should be one of openness.

You can tell your approach is open when you think…

“I’m going to be a winner at all the things I do today and I’m going to be kind and caring to all the people I run into. It’s going to be a win-win operation for everything.”

The Best Thing To Do When You Push Yourself

What happens when we just try to push ourselves through challenging situations?

When all the good intentions turn into brute force, and when you just try to crash through obstacles, you get worn down.

Unfortunately, all the studies show that under pressure, your body becomes more and more dehydrated.

How much water should you be drinking in a day?

I recommend 96 ounces. You need to drink a lot of water. You really have no choice when you push yourself to tackle life’s challenging situations.

So when you’re pushing, your body has less water, and the impact of this is more than you might think.

Dehydration, even a little dehydration, can actually shrink the brain.

Imagine you’re in a situation where you’re really challenging yourself. This could be mental, physical, or even both at the same time.

You’re telling yourself, “I’m going to keep going, I’m going to do it.”

This is motivational epinephrine and it’s fine… Yet think about this — what is it you’re pushing?

You’re pushing a shrinking brain. It’s growing smaller on you. This is when you should re-hydrate. Nourish the brain, nourish the body, and take breaks.

Take a break every hour. During the break, do a Source Energy practice.

It’s been shown that this really will amp you up. When my students are in karate fights or major athletic events, you’ll see them in the hallway between the locker room and coming onto the floor doing one of their Source Energy practices.

They’re doing them to open up, pull all the Source Energy in, and to be maxed.

Here’s What Else You Can Do

Here’s a great way to make sure you have all the focus and stamina you need to succeed.

It’s a tip from Brian Johnson, a triathlon athlete who’s one of my students…

“As a triathlete, I am always looking for ways to get an edge on my competition and my performance.
“Before my trail run this morning, I listened to one of Dr. B’s guided breathing visualizations. My run was 3.5 miles up 2,600 vertical feet through rugged rocky terrain in less than one hour. I set a personal record on this course by 20 minutes. Then, I ran back down 3.5 miles in 32 minutes and set another personal record.
“The guided breathing visualizations are now a standard ‘count-on-able’ part of my training process.”

You might not be able to run down 3.5 miles of rocky terrain in 32 minutes like Brian did… Imagine all the things you can do.

Things within your grasp that you can turn into achievements.

Accomplishments that for whatever reason, have been slipping away, or seem just beyond your reach.

The #1 Move To Make Right Now To Enjoy Even More Success

And not just success in one area of your life, while others go unfulfilled.

The achievements and the accomplishments you want are yours for the asking. All you need to do is stop allowing The Matrix to pollute your thinking by injecting false thoughts.

The time out you call gives you a chance to catch your breath, balance yourself, and redirect your thinking so you can connect to The Source Energy.

Wondering how to start?

It’s easy. I’ve made it simple for you with The Dragon Eternal Success High Performance Program.

Take a look at it.

You get effortless and enjoyable ways to connect to The Source Energy, which will tear down the barriers that stand between you and the success you deserve.

Take a moment right now to look into this, and you’ll discover how The Source Energy is like the rising tide that lifts all boats… it improves every aspect of your life, exponentially and all at the same time.

See what this can do for you.

The days of The Matrix are numbered when you’re in The Source Energy. The days of self-doubt and giving up before you even start are behind you.

There’s something new, something refreshing and entirely different for you to experience…

A fun, fulfilling life where you can enjoy better health, more rewarding friendships, and financial abundance.

What are some ways The Matrix hacks your thinking?  What do you do about it? What will you do differently starting now?  Scroll down and share your experience in the comments section. 

Cheers to your success. 

In case you missed it… 

I began my search for The Source Energy in the Southwest of the United States and then into the jungles of Central and South America.

However, the total direct effect of what I wanted to accomplish really wasn’t in those places. So, I had to keep going… [Click Here >>]

Introduction to Dr. Morguelan and MEI Part 2: From Europe to China

Last time I began telling you about my quest for an alternative to Western medicine—something that would be an adjunct to medicine, something that would allow me to really help people in advance of ever getting sick. I began my search in the Southwest of the United States and then into the jungles of Central and South America. However, the total direct effect of what I wanted to accomplish really wasn’t in those places. So, I had to keep going…

My Search Continued in Europe

I kept searching for a number of years. I decided I had to go to Europe. In each one of the major countries I visited, there was something fascinating beyond Western medicine. My discoveries interested me to consider what I could apply to our culture.

Italy’s biggest contribution, which people are finally starting to listen to, is their lifestyle. They proved that a more relaxed lifestyle allowed people to go through life with less stress and more balance. I would talk to the doctors after we worked on endoscopy and surgery and discuss, “What else is really available for people? What can we do to get people back on track or even stay on track so they don’t get off-track ever?”

In France they had aromatherapy. The doctors also said “Well, we have cheeses.” They had all different kinds of cheese that they considered medicinal. The cheeses were fantastic. However, nothing I discovered in Europe proved anything that I really wanted to find.

You might think that after years of this search I would be saying to myself, “Oh, you just had an idea but who are you to keep looking for this?”

(Keep reading)

I never had that voice. Actually, as I went along, my thoughts said, “These people are well-meaning and they’re trying. It’s just they haven’t developed what I’m looking for yet.” I always said to myself “I haven’t looked everywhere, I haven’t done everything.” I never ever lost that verve that there was still a possibility, a chance that what I was searching for existed.

Finally, China

I finally said, “I’m going to go to China.” This caused a little bit of kerfuffle with people in the medical community and with the people at Los Angeles Airport because I kept going back and forth to China. I wanted to see and learn about their medical system. At that time, they were just recovering from Mao Tse-Tung.

Mao really revolutionized the whole country of China. He instilled some harsh rules. One of them was that they had to get rid of certain types of books in libraries. The whole system had changed in many ways. It was very interesting to be in China studying and teaching endoscopy and Western medicine. The doctors were very grateful. The way they said “thank you” was to ask “is there anything we can do for you,” I knew from some of the books I had seen that there was “traditional” medicine and I said I wanted to know more about that.

The doctors said, “What we’ve got left is this traditional hospital that is nearby. If you want, you can go over there and see it but it’s small and not as important as the type of medical care that we’re focusing on here in the PRC (People’s Republic of China)”.

They introduced me to the other hospital and I went there on my free time. I learned all of the wonderful things that they had to offer, including acupuncture (which we weren’t practicing widely in the United States at that time), and herbology.

The Aisles of a Chinese Pharmacy

Just like in UCLA, we would walk down the aisles of the hospital seeing the patients and then we would go down to the pharmacy. However, this pharmacy was not like the UCLA Hospital pharmacy. This pharmacy looked like a scene out of a Harry Potter movie with tall chests filled with little drawers, with things inside the drawers that were not what we would say, “up to FDA standards” as far as cleanliness.

Sometimes I would look inside and there’d be moss that came from the north side of a specific mountain, or swallow’s saliva that had been scraped from the nest. They would say, “We’re going to boil this and it’s going to do this, this and this.” You can read about this now in Chinese books on herbology. Whether they had the effect you wanted or whether it was studied or not these things did have effects. Other drawers had certain kinds of insects that were ground up and boiled in the morning. They smelled terrible. That was when I realized why they had huge windows that were always open.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden What?

While I was in China, I noticed the people were very sensitive to reading my face. My Mandarin Chinese wasn’t that great at that time—we used English and translators. However, they knew, by looking at my face, that there was something more I was looking for and since they wanted to thank me for helping them, they asked me what they could do for me in return.

I said I was looking in the library and reading about these old, old, old doctors who could treat people at a distance without touching them. I really wanted to find out about those things. I got some of these ideas when I saw the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon where people were running up the side of walls, walking on the tips of bamboo trees, and flying through the air. I wondered, what’s that about? Is that real? Does that actually happen?

Anybody who’s ever done research knows the research world has very strict models and guidelines. You have to absolutely follow specific rules about making something happen a certain way and it has to be able to be proven. Then, other people in the university have to be able to prove it. Then, other universities have to be able to prove it. Then, somebody else in another part of the world has to be able to prove it. Then, finally, it will get published. That’s research and that’s how things are really well done.

When I said, “What about these guys? Has anything been researched on this, they said, “No, however, It doesn’t matter. They’re not here anymore. They’re gone since Mao changed everything.”

“Mao came and he threw them all out. They’re up in the jungles or in the high mountains and in the monasteries. You can’t see them, plus it’s a very, very strict kind of training program. It’s much worse than the training programs with which you’re familiar.”

In case you missed it…

You journey into the Energy for a Successful Life program starts with something unique. It isn’t part of your average everyday actions.

And yet… it could be. [Click Here >>]

Have you ever asked yourself, “Why does this always happen to me?”

Maybe your inner dialog sounds something like…

    • “This isn’t fair.”
    • “I’ve tried this, and I’ve really, really done everything I could.”
    • “This person is stopping me, and they shouldn’t be there.”
    • “This is bad, bad, bad, and I just am so angry because I feel like I can’t do anything about it.”

Can you relate? The next time it happens, I want you to do this… [Click Here >>]

How to Use Energy to Find Happiness, Health, and Time for Fun

I was walking in the room of one of my patients who I held dearly. Her name was Mrs. Rodriguez. I knew her and her family. She was an elderly woman with about nine children.

This was the discharge day for Mrs. Rodriguez. I walked in all proud with the white coat and clipboard… You know the kind you’ve seen this before on TV?

I sat down, held her hand, and I said “so, you get to go home. How’s it going?”

She was ecstatic… “I’m so happy the tumors are out. Thank you so much!”

“Is there anything else?”

… And what she said next lit a fire under me. It lead me on a 163,000 mile journey over 6 and a half years.

What happened, what she said, and how to use energy to find happiness, health, and time for fun is just one click away… 

Click “Play” and turn up the sound …

What if all of life is opening yourself up so you naturally can perform at your highest level…Would you be interested?

In case you missed it… 

I began my search for The Source Energy in the Southwest of the United States and then into the jungles of Central and South America.

However, the total direct effect of what I wanted to accomplish really wasn’t in those places. So, I had to keep going… [Click Here >>]

A Boy In First Grade Connects With The Source Energy

On a day not too long ago, I spent a few minutes talking with a boy who was the son of one of my patients.

He was in first grade, and he asked if he could talk with me because there was something on his mind.

“Okay, what is it?” I asked.

We talked about what he did in school.

As he spoke, I remembered that kids spend a lot of time focused on artwork at his age, and so I asked him about this because personally, I loved art then, and I still do.

(Keep reading)

“Well, I’m not that excited about art,” he told me. “Mine’s not that good.”

“How do you know?” I asked. “How do you know it’s not that good? Who’s telling you that?”

I asked him about what kind of projects he and his classmates had been doing.

“We made this beautiful clay hand.”

“You mean the one you paint a different color and you get your hand printed on? And then you put it in the kiln and they fire it so that it’ll last forever and have sort of a shine to it?”

He said, “Yeah.”

“What color was yours?”

“Blue, I painted it blue. It’s got my hand print on it. I took it home and I showed my mom, and mom was just sort of, I guess busy that day. She said, ‘Oh, just put it away, don’t let it collect dust. Someday, maybe you’ll become such a good artist that you’ll have such nice art, we’ll want to put it on the wall, and this is fine for a beginning trial.’”

“Okay, so how did you interpret that?”

“I don’t want to do art anymore,” he told me. In his own charming first grade words, he went on to explain how he felt like he had let his mother down.

He told me that it wasn’t all clear to him, but that it seemed the quality of his art somehow put some distance between him and his mother.

“Why?” I asked.

He told me, in the simple and heartfelt words of a first grader, how this comment made him separated from his mother.

He believed that he hadn’t been able to please her. He was convinced that his mother believed the blue clay hand wasn’t something worthy of appreciation.

“No, that’s not really what she meant,” I told him.

It took quite a while for him to understand what I was trying to say.

You Can’t Blame Him, Can You?

Here’s a boy who’s creative, thoughtful, loves his mother, and wants to make her happy.

He’s smart enough and observant enough to sense emotional distance.

(Something plenty of adults can’t do.)

This boy simply wound up confused when his mother responded in a way he didn’t expect.

So I told him, “Look, I did the same thing when I was your age so here’s what’s going to happen, here’s what we’re going to do.

“You’re going to come and get a treatment with me sometime soon. We’re going to go through how you can become, if that’s what you want, a great artist. And, if you want to be great at something else, like a professional athlete, then we’ll focus on that.”

“You can do that?” he asked.

“No,” I replied. “I’m not going to do it. You’re going to do it. The way this world’s set up, it’s all based on Energy, on The Source Energy that feeds all the things that are good.

“All the wonderful things we have are based on The Source Energy from physics.

“If you can learn to harness this energy by doing some easy practices, if you watch the videos and listen to the audios that I created after studying the 5,000 year-old discipline of Lao Tzu, you’ll be able to do it too.”

“Well, I’m looking forward to it,” he said.

“Put a smile on your face and stop worrying that you displeased your mother or that you shouldn’t bring home any more artwork.”

He said, “Okay.”

If you were there listening to this conversation, you would have heard the loneliness in his voice.

You could see it in his expression.

The Refreshing Wisdom Of Children

Everything turned out fine.

It’s fascinating that kids go through those experiences just like adults.

It happens all the time. You tell your partner, “Here, I’ve got your dry cleaning,” and you’re told, “Just put it over there and I’ll put it away, later.”

No wonder with reactions like that so many people feel lonely.

Some people interpret a comment like this as disrespectful, which can easily lead to a feeling of loneliness.

This is actually a pathway in your body that you don’t have to follow. Our society and our culture conditions us to react negatively to comments like this and to allow pain to develop.

This is why it’s so helpful to keep your Energy field up, which happens on its own when you do your Energy practices.

What Have You Learned To Live With?

Over the years, when we talk about life’s challenges, many of my patients have told me something like, ” I just learn to live with it.”

When I dig deeper they often say, “Well, I’ve learned to live with a lot of people ignoring me. I’ve learned to close down.”

My young friend who loved art could have closed down… but he didn’t. Fortunately, he was wise beyond his years, and he understood the importance of staying connected.

I helped him understand that shutting himself off from the world isn’t good, that it could cause some health problems.

The opposite of closing down is the solution. This is why we do all The Source Energy practices.

They help you open up all your sensors, so you can expand. When this happens, you move from being a prisoner in a confined space to being free in a connecting space.

You grow your abilities and expand this pace all the time.

In case you missed it… 

I began my search for The Source Energy in the Southwest of the United States and then into the jungles of Central and South America.

However, the total direct effect of what I wanted to accomplish really wasn’t in those places. So, I had to keep going… [Click Here >>]


Have you ever asked yourself, “Why does this always happen to me?”

Maybe your inner dialog sounds something like…

    • “This isn’t fair.”
    • “I’ve tried this, and I’ve really, really done everything I could.”
    • “This person is stopping me, and they shouldn’t be there.”
    • “This is bad, bad, bad, and I just am so angry because I feel like I can’t do anything about it.”

Can you relate? The next time it happens, I want you to do this… 
[Click Here >>]

Make This Fascinating Discovery About Yourself

When I traveled into the sacred mountains of China to learn from The Masters of Traditional Chinese Medicine, I made an unexpected discovery.

These grumpy old men were not anxious to share their wisdom.

To say I wasn’t welcomed with open arms is a dramatic understatement.

They had little or no interest in me — especially my background as a medical doctor and a surgeon.

I was insulted by them.

Not only that…

They abandoned me when I needed them most, and in the process, they made me question myself. 

For example:

  • Why was I really there?
  • What exactly did I hope to learn and how would I use this knowledge?
  • What degree of sacrifice was I willing to make?

Can you relate?

Now… To be clear, The Masters did not ask me these questions directly. It was the way they treated me that made these questions inevitable.

They knew I would question myself, and they understood, from their five thousand years of wisdom, that one of two things would happen.

Which two things? Let me lay it out for you.

(Keep reading)

The Two Approaches We Can Take

In this world, you can take one of two approaches.

You can believe you were sent here because of some punishment bound to experience an endless string of dismal days.


You can believe you were sent here to be fulfilled… no matter your interests.

What I mean is… You can enjoy water skiing, you can enjoy roller skating, or you can enjoy other people. 

This enjoyment of other people is a feeling that can easily expand into an enriching new experience. You realize more people than you can imagine are your teammates — They’re on your side.

Even strangers… You don’t have a relationship with them, and yet they can easily be your teammates.


There is a very real connection created by The Source Energy >>

When you open your sensors to connect with The Energy, the 256 different vibrations have the ability to pull people together.

And let’s face it… Some people are easier to get along with than others. And the real world we go out into every day is a place where it often seems easier to be irritated with people than to get along with them.

One of the reasons these irritations get in the way is that there’s some kind of a distraction.

You get diverted or deflected. When you find yourself deflected, all of a sudden something happens, and you become irritated or upset.

You and Your Goals

You can have wonderful goals, good intentions, and then all of a sudden something sneaks, gets in the way, or somehow derails you. 

This is when it’s helpful to remember what I’m about to share with you.

It all boils down to this…

All things you’re involved with in life… They are for you.

I’m serious.

This doesn’t mean you’re selfish, egotistical, and self-absorbed.

It means you need to push aside the diversions, deflections, and derailments so you can get back to your goals… So you can take control over the things you have the ability to control.

Ask yourself, “What’s the thing I want to accomplish with this person?”

It might seem like a stretch to think that this person who’s giving you a hard time is a teammate.

Think about this…

What can you learn about yourself to make the adjustment needed to redesign and redefine this relationship?

What will you see, feel, and hear when you connect to The Source Energy that lets you easily get rid of the barriers so you can accomplish what you want?

You know what?

There’s a way to do this without caving in, and without making an uncomfortable compromise.

The answers will be there. When you’re in The Source Energy, you’re in a continuous flow state where…

  • You’re in the zone.
  • You can put the ball in the basket every time.
  • You can hit the tennis ball every time.
  • You can be relaxed.
  • You can attract the right people into your life at the exact right time.
  • You can cultivate the influence you need when you need it most.
  • You know all the answers when you take an exam.
  • You can come up with great ideas and invent wonderful business concepts.
  • You can enjoy a great family, great health, and great relationships.

By now I’m sure you’re asking yourself… 

“How Can I Make This Happen for Me?”

It all boils down to this…

You’re the one who will guide events forward in a positive and productive way.

Listen carefully… It’s up to you, not somebody else.

You’re the one to say…

“I can win here with The Source Energy, I’ve got a team of people to work with, and we’re going to make this happen.”

And let me be clear — This team of people doesn’t have to be employees or associates at work. You don’t even need to have a job.

Your teammates can be anyone. They don’t even need to be in the same town.

As you’re here now, and reading, has this question crossed your mind?

“Can I Put an End to Lost Time and Lost Opportunities?”

I’ll put it this way…

Chances are you’ll discover that when irritation comes on, it arrives quickly.

Irritation explodes so fast, and it’s difficult to recognize — let alone control.

Before I share with you the 2 words that can help you melt all the irritation away, you need to know this irritation is a thief of time. The moments you spend feeling irritated are wasted moments.

At the exact same moment you’re arguing, somebody else is inventing what you’d like to invent.


Somebody is scheming to seize control of your company.


Take away your girlfriend, boyfriend, or spouse.

Or in some way cause you avoidable harm.

This dynamic takes place every minute.

It’s why you’ll be a lot better off when you have an easy and reliable way to get rid of irritation. To nip it in the bud before it turns into a crippling problem.

Irritation is the resentment, regret, and resignation that piles onto you.

Here’s the good news.

There are two words you can use to melt all the irritation away. The words are, “Learn me.”

You react to irritation by asking yourself, “What else is here for me to learn?”

Abbreviate this and just repeat two words…

“Learn me, learn me, learn me. Right now, I know I’m upset, so what exists here for me to learn?”

Something Remarkable You Can Learn Right Now

This skill is one of many that my students use to replace fear with courage, uncertainty with confidence, and loneliness with an abundance of rewarding relationships.

These things happen when you connect to The Source Energy.

All it takes is an open mind and some curiosity.

A great way to start is with The Dragon Eternal Success High Performance Program >>

Take a look at it.

Please take a moment right now to find out about easy ways you can quickly connect to The Source Energy.

What do you need to modify?

What’s the best way to identify the right changes to make, and then make them?

Ask these questions, answer them, take regular action toward achieving your goals, and you’ll enjoy success.

By the way… 

Can you relate to feeling like you question yourself? Or perhaps they should have been there to support you, and they weren’t?

How did you handle it? Are you going through something similar now and need a sounding board? Our comment section is open for you.

Click Here to join the conversation >>

In case you missed it… 

On a day not too long ago, I spent a few minutes talking with a boy who was the son of one of my patients.

He was in first grade, and he asked if he could talk with me because there was something on his mind.

What he told me was shocking [Click Here] >>


I began my search for The Source Energy in the Southwest of the United States and then into the jungles of Central and South America.

However, the total direct effect of what I wanted to accomplish really wasn’t in those places. So, I had to keep going… [Click Here >>]

You Are Made To Win

You’re made to win. The only barriers to winning are the ones you allow to invade your mind.

If you decide you’re going to win, you will… it’s that simple.

The question is, what about your approach? What kind of an approach are you using to win?

Are you walking out onto a basketball court wearing baseball cleats on your feet? That’s clearly the wrong outfit.

No matter how much you’ve practiced, and no matter how refined your skills might be…

The wrong approach will get in the way of winning. The baseball cleats for a basketball game example may seem strange. You might think, “That’s so obvious, nobody would do that.”

But consider this. There’s always a choice you can make, a bunch of different ways to get from A to B.

These choices and these different approaches you can take will determine how much you win. They’ll also determine what kind of a win you achieve.

The best outcome is a win-win, where your victory is shared by somebody else. This is what happens when you’re in The Source Energy and when connections are made.

So focus on your approach to winning and focus on your approach to life.

You can see right and wrong approaches everywhere.

What happens to the manager who tries to get employees to work harder by being a grouch and showing up for work every day in a bad mood? What does this approach get?

Employees will scatter, and relationships will disappear.

So let me ask you…

What’s your own personal approach?

The Winning Approach

You can’t get away from having an approach. It’s part of the way we behave.

For instance…

Some people take a “wait and see” approach. Others take the approach that life is tough, and they’ll work through their difficulties.

What path are you pursing so you can win?

(Keep reading…)

Is the approach you’re taking right now something deliberate, something you think about, or have you fallen into a pattern of behavior that you’re not really aware of?

The right approach is all you need to win. You pay attention, you keep taking productive and positive actions, and you keep noticing that you’re winning.

You monitor whether this approach is working or not. You make any adjustments that are needed, and then you keep going.

If I asked you to write down your approach, what would it be? Would your approach mention that you’re committed to winning, to doing what it takes to achieve your goals?

And what about your approach to living, and cherishing life itself, noticing the beauty and the joy that other people may never see?

These are a few ingredients of a winning approach.

What Winning Is Really All About

It doesn’t matter if you’re a sports fan. I love sports, and there are lessons from sports we can all learn from.

There are athletes and coaches who have lived remarkable and rewarding lives off the field or away from the basketball court.

One of the most inspiring was Jim Valvano, Jimmy V.

He coached at Johns Hopkins, Connecticut, Bucknell, Iona, and most memorably, for ten years, at North Carolina State. That’s where his underdog team won a national college basketball championship.

After his career, Valvano gave a now legendary speech. He told his audience…

“I just got one last thing, I urge all of you, all of you, to enjoy your life, the precious moments you have. To spend each day with some laughter and some thought, to get you’re emotions going.”

At the 1993 ESPY Awards, Jimmy V told his audience to laugh, think, and cry each day, and he said “don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.”

Two months later he passed away from adenocarcinoma, a glandular cancer.

Jim Valvano’s approach, when he was battling cancer, was to keep his life as normal as possible.

“Now I’m fighting cancer, everybody knows that. People ask me all the time about how you go through your life and how’s your day, and nothing is changed for me.”

This is what I mean by an approach.

So, here’s what you can do.

The Ingredient To Winning Most People Don’t Have


Winning is not an overnight sensation. Winning in life is not picking the numbers for a lottery and getting instant gratification.

It’s not unusual for worthwhile things in life to take longer to arrive than you anticipate.

But being patient doesn’t mean accepting the fact that you need to spend years and years working on something before you can enjoy results.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.

You may have heard that it takes 10,000 hours to get good at something… and actually master it.

This is a theory that the writer Malcolm Gladwell suggested in his book, Outliers.

This is nonsense. I told my students about this and I used the word “spurious” to describe this kind of thinking.

Sure, it might take a while to get good at something, and clearly there’s nothing wrong with practice. But the reason I question the “10,000 Hour” theory is how those hours are spent.

If you’re learning a specific skill, whether it’s playing a guitar or analyzing a balance sheet, your progress depends on a number of factors…

  • The quality of your teacher.
  • Your motivation to learn.
  • The related knowledge and skills you have when you start.
  • Your dedication.
  • Your passion.

All sorts of factors come into play. They can affect you on the way to your goal.

There’s something else. It’s your Energy.

This is The Source Energy, taught by The Masters of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

These are the men who begrudgingly shared their knowledge with me when I traveled again and again to The Sacred Mountains of China.

The Source Energy I help you connect with lets you create massive change and unparalleled personal achievement.

Great relationships, high performance, and winning without constantly banging your head against the wall.

They can be yours when your approach draws on The Source Energy. These things happen when you connect all the sensors in your body to the infinite number of vibrations that are part of The Source Energy.

Interested? All it takes is an open mind and some curiosity.

A great way to start is with The Dragon Eternal Success High Performance Program.

Take a look at it.

Let The Energy Make Your Personal Journey More Fun

There are all sorts of approaches you can take, and when you’re in The Energy, you’re able to see, feel, and hear more of them. Your awareness is fine-tuned so you make the best choice out of these approaches.

That’s what my student Julie M. did. She wrote me a note and told me…

“I had turned my chronic health conditions around through Bulletproof and joined their coaching program which led to much growth and self-discovery. I first encountered Dr. B in Denver at the Headstrong book tour. I was fortunate enough to attend the Be Unlimited event where we spent a day with Dr. B learning about and experiencing The Energy.”

“I knew this was the next path to follow, without having a specific desired outcome. Nine months later, I am a much-improved person.”

“From relationships to handling challenges, it amazes me how far I have come. I entered the program trying to build my business and feeling lost, now it is all coming together and will be better than I imagined, with the support of the most incredible community.”

You Can Do The Same Thing Julie Did

Once you decide you’re going to win…

Once you decide on an approach…

And once you’re committed to a life of better relationships, better health, and better financial success…

You can draw on the infinite power of The Source Energy to make your journey even more rewarding, more enjoyable, and more successful. You can make progress with less efforts and in less time.

The Energy removes obstacles. It clears the way for you to spend your days the way you’d like to spend them.

Getting started is easy.

Find out more about how to connect with The Source Energy.

Your Future

So give your approach some thought.

Find the correct way to win in the present, with whatever you want to get done.

Every single time you have a project, if you do something and it works, don’t you want to keep doing it, and keep having fun?

Whatever you’re doing, you want to keep it enjoyable.

That’s your future, and the approach that makes your projects and every aspect of your days enjoyable will nourish your life with both fulfillment and fun.

In case you missed it… 

I began my search for The Source Energy in the Southwest of the United States and then into the jungles of Central and South America.

However, the total direct effect of what I wanted to accomplish really wasn’t in those places. So, I had to keep going… [Click Here >>]

Have you ever asked yourself, “Why does this always happen to me?”

Maybe your inner dialog sounds something like…

    • “This isn’t fair.”
    • “I’ve tried this, and I’ve really, really done everything I could.”
    • “This person is stopping me, and they shouldn’t be there.”
    • “This is bad, bad, bad, and I just am so angry because I feel like I can’t do anything about it.”

Can you relate? The next time it happens, I want you to do this… 
[Click Here >>]

Don’t Get Angry. Do This Instead…

One of the main requirements for success is consistent movement – the upward, continuous motion towards your goals. The last thing you want is to be thrown off your path.

Anger constantly throws people off. When reacting poorly and getting angry takes over, you lose sight of your end goal.

It’s funny (you know, “funny, not funny”), I can hear you now… “But, Dr B…

“Anger Makes Me Feel Something”

If that sounds like you, let’s discuss something very important. Do you insist that anger is a release? 

Maybe you feel like your body is getting stronger when you get mad, or feel even more certain about your thoughts?

What’s more… 

People who suffer from depression may even claim that it’s better to get angry than to feel nothing at all. 

The “reason why is simple,” they say… Because at least they’re experiencing an emotion. 

The truth is… 

“There’s No Time For Anger”

If you want success in your life, or more control over your outcomes, then there is absolutely no time to be angry. Especially if you have multiple goals you’re working toward.

Anger doesn’t add to the big picture of your life.

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All it’s going to do is raise your blood pressure and put you at a higher risk for stroke and heart attack. It can also do a number on your shoulders and back. Its list of peripheral collateral damages is long. 

But the list of benefits? That’s notably short. 

Using Energy

Recognize you don’t have to let anger into your space. What if your space could be one where you are on fire, excited from the very moment you wake up? 

Imagine this… 

What if you tried to find something to be angry about, you just can’t get angry about it. That’s the power of energy. 

Anger isn’t useful. Instead of getting angry, lean on a different ‘A.’ Get into Action

Don’t get so worked up that you want to destroy, kill, or blow up. None of those responses will get you the result you want. 

Here’s another thought… 

Choose Ways to Win

That’s right, you get to pick and choose how you want to win every day. 

You can win if you apply the Energy for Success techniques in your life. If you focus on your goal, aim, or intention, and use the energy from our blog posts, free guided visualization, or introductory programs, you will make it to the top much faster than you would by using anger as a crutch. 

Can you imagine that?

Of course, this isn’t to say you will automatically become anger-free. No, no, I’m not saying that at all.  What I am suggesting is if someone tries to make you angry, that you have the power to direct that energy, and respond in a way that’s positive.

Think about it… That’s a healthier way, isn’t it?

You can be even more successful, achieve even more, and have even more control in your life by simply using your energy. 

On the other hand… 

If you don’t, you might not reach your full potential, you could achieve less, and be at the will of others. 

What’s more: 

If you want to break down the barriers preventing you from winning in the way you know you were born to, download my Guided Visualization for Instant Healing Energy.

If you’re here now and you’re reading this, I know it will help.

Click Here to download now for $0.00 – it takes under 10-minutes, and the effects can stay with you all day  >>

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In case you missed it… 

I began my search for The Source Energy in the Southwest of the United States and then into the jungles of Central and South America.

However, the total direct effect of what I wanted to accomplish really wasn’t in those places. So, I had to keep going… [Click Here >>]

Have you ever asked yourself, “Why does this always happen to me?”

Maybe your inner dialog sounds something like…

  • “This isn’t fair.”
  • “I’ve tried this, and I’ve really, really done everything I could.”
  • “This person is stopping me, and they shouldn’t be there.”
  • “This is bad, bad, bad, and I just am so angry because I feel like I can’t do anything about it.”

Can you relate? The next time it happens, I want you to do this… [Click Here >>]

3 Tips To Get Into the Energy (Even If You’re Just Starting)

When you get in the Energy, you find a place of unshakeable calm, focus, clarity, and authentic connection. It’s a state where you can find inner strength, reduce stress, and sharpen focus. This means you have the space to discover your most authentic self, sharpen your focus, heal past wounds, and live with a sense of peace and calm.

Now, naturally you are probably asking…

“How do I get into the Energy if I’m just getting started?”

(Keep reading…)

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If you want to open your senses, pull in these vibrations, get calm, focused, and completely in the Energy flow – where you can keep pulling more in – you’re going to love these 3 tips to get into the Energy (even as a beginner).

1. Trust that Your Source Energy is Natural.

All of these energy vibrations are natural for your body. You don’t have to think about it. In fact – you don’t even have to be a positive thinker. You don’t have to work yourself up, because your body already naturally loves the process of soaking up the Energy.

Think about how it feels to sit outside in the sunshine. That’s your body soaking up the energy in the form of vitamin D, coming from the light!

When you watch my videos or listen to the audios, vibrations are embedded within them that will open up the sensors in your body. From there, you start pulling it in yourself so you’re always in the flow instead of feeling stress and overwhelm.

You can experience it for yourself if you’re just starting in my free guided visualization for instant healing energy >>

2. You Can Choose to Direct the Energy.

Many of us live every day trying to find ways to make it through. Of course, you want to have a victory, and yet you’re also fighting against the cultural milieu that pushes the narrative that life is hard and gets less enjoyable as it goes on.

The milieu tells us not to expect much, and it is this mindset you have to abandon. Even if people around you demonstrate or live life with low expectations, you can choose a different reality for yourself.

When you go with the flow of the Energy and allow your life to improve with an open mind will get you much farther.

3. Open your brain.

By opening your brain, you allow yourself to get smarter each day. It doesn’t matter how old you are, if you open your mind to the concept of energy, you will become more intelligent and more open-minded to the world around you.

You see, the energy goes where you focus it. If you focus on opening your mind, you’re going to watch your mind grow. As your brain opens up and you can feel smarter, you can also look and feel younger.
The world isn’t going to help you — you have an opportunity to take full responsibility for yourself, and go out and create it on your own.


You don’t let your thoughts and emotions run you – you create the vibrational states so you’re in the flow.

Remember in the movie, The Matrix… toward the end, Neo saw everything coming at him in slow motion. When you harness your Source Energy, fife around you begins to slow down so you can actually multitask, and everything seems to fit together.

Think about it…

What if life was like that everyday?

You’d experience all the things you’d like to experience… then you realize you can count on yourself. You begin to trust yourself. Imagine that — what are you going to do now that you can count on yourself?
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In Case You Missed It
You’re made to win. The only barriers to winning are the ones you allow to invade your mind.
If you decide you’re going to win, you will… It’s that simple.
The question is, what about your approach? What kind of an approach are you using to win? [Click Here to continue reading >>]
One of the main requirements for success is consistent movement – the upward, continuous motion towards your goals. The last thing you want is to be thrown off your path.
Anger constantly throws people off. When reacting poorly and getting angry takes over, you lose sight of your end goal.
It’s funny (you know, “funny, not funny”), I can hear you now… “But, Dr B…
“Anger Makes Me Feel Something”
If that sounds like you, let’s discuss something very important. Do you insist that anger is a release? [Click Here to continue reading >>]
[wbcr_php_snippet id="539"]

Let’s Go For It Today!

Without direction in life, every road leads nowhere. To find direction in your life, here’s what you have to do. 

Decide right now – what is your day going to be like? Are you going to leave it up to how you feel, or what you’re thinking at the moment? Or how the world was served up to you? 

Click “Play” on the video below before you continue reading, and let’s go for it today!

You see, oftentimes people let outside factors swoop in and take the wheel when it comes to their lives. 

Guess what… 

You don’t have to do that anymore. 

You might not realize it, yet you have something up your sleeve that can make a change in how your day plays out. And that something is your Source Energy. 

All you need to do is say: 

  • “How do I want to drive the world today?” 
  • “How do I want to make my day happen?”
  • “Could all of these good things happen for me so I can absolutely crush my day?” 

Of course, these are mood-boosting, morale-boosting questions. And yet, there will be days when you don’t feel the gusto behind those words. 

So, what if you’re just not feeling it? What if you don’t want to do all that, or you don’t have the motivation for it? 

Here’s the thing: 

Wanting to do it is not important. 

There’s no reason for you to be the most enthusiastic person in the room when you work with energy. 

What’s important is your ability to pull the energy in.  When you do, you can start amping up and getting stronger. What’s important is your ability to do your energy exercises. You want to be able to progress in the direction of the energy, so that each day you move one increment further – even if it’s just an inch. As you do, you’ll get happier and happier as you get more focused and pull that energy in. 

Right now…

I want you to decide

Are you going to start pulling energy in, right from this moment? 

Can you do it? Yes!

Can you do it stronger a minute from now? Yes!

Can you do it even stronger ten minutes from now, if you keep focusing on it while continuing about your day? Yes! 

You can build on each day so your energy becomes stronger and more powerful. Then, you’ll be the one who decides if you’re going down the path that brings positivity. 

That positive, energetic path will show you each day that you’re more able, and that you deserve the rewards that you encounter along the way. 

This path is better than you could even imagine. 

Nothing is stopping you from starting the journey. Let’s go for it today! 

What’s more: 

If you want to break down the barriers preventing you from finding direction in your life, and winning in the way you know you were born to, download my Guided Visualization for Instant Healing Energy.

If you’re here now and you’re reading this, I know it will help.

Click Here to download now for $0.00 – it takes under 10-minutes, and the effects can stay with you all day  >>

In Case You Missed It

3 Tips to Get Into The Energy… Even If You’re Just Starting

When you get in the Energy, you find a place of unshakeable calm, focus, clarity, and authentic connection. It’s a state where you can find inner strength, reduce stress, and sharpen focus. 

This means you have the space to discover your most authentic self, sharpen your focus, heal past wounds, and live with a sense of peace and calm. [Click here to continue reading >>]

Don’t Get Angry – Get Into Action

One of the main requirements for success is consistent movement – the upward, continuous motion towards your goals. The last thing you want is to be thrown off your path.

Anger constantly throws people off. When reacting poorly and getting angry takes over, you lose sight of your end goal.
[Click Here to continue reading >>]